Image Search and Annotation on a Very Large Scale
Using Deep Features and MI-File to search and annotate YFCC100M
(Yahoo Flickr Creative Commons 100M) dataset.

Research group

(97 millions images currently indexed)

Upload an image as query:
Chose an url as query:
Choose a random query.

Found 1048881 images similar to your query in 1128 ms (Index access Time: 64 ms, Temporary result managemet time: 420 ms, Database access time: 644 ms)


Best guessed tags:
Relevance: 9.56, Guessed tags: concert
Relevance: 8.77, Guessed tags: rock
Relevance: 8.74, Guessed tags: band
Relevance: 7.21, Guessed tags: music

Search using images similar to your query or see more random images:

(Weight 0) Flickr->

(Weight 698) Flickr->

(Weight 746) Flickr->

(Weight 747) Flickr->

(Weight 753) Flickr->

(Weight 757) Flickr->

(Weight 760) Flickr->

(Weight 761) Flickr->

(Weight 763) Flickr->

(Weight 764) Flickr->

(Weight 765) Flickr->

(Weight 765) Flickr->

(Weight 767) Flickr->

(Weight 767) Flickr->

(Weight 767) Flickr->

(Weight 768) Flickr->

(Weight 770) Flickr->

(Weight 770) Flickr->

(Weight 771) Flickr->

(Weight 771) Flickr->

The above images are miniature versions of the original ones that come from the site
All rights are reserved to the author of the original image, which is directly available on the Flickr site through a hypertext link (surface linking).